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quality management system
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cosmax quality management system

cosmax has 2 factories and logistics centers in shanghai (the second plant is under way of completion),
one factory in guangzhou, 4 factories in south korea, 1 factory in indonesia, 1 factory in the united states. we have established infrastructure over the world.

quality management system


quality management

cosmax china was certified of gmpc (high quality cosmetics manufacturing and quality management standard) in 2008 and moved one step further to get certified by the international standard, iso9001 (quality management) / iso22716 (international cosmetic quality certification).
in addition to gmp regulation, we have introduced the system to secure the reproducibility of the design and to prevent problems or issues proactively in the production process by trt(trial run test) and pilot production by the process research team. furthermore, we verify the compliance of contents and containers by conducting compatibility test at the development stage and place an order of subsidiary materials. since 2008, we have managed and maintained optimal global quality system through regular audit and business relationship with global companies including l'oreal, unilever (2013) and p&g (2014).

quality policy

based on our quality-first policy, we establish and execute a strict quality control system.

quality goal

step1-품질에 대한 고객의 요구를 정확히 파악한다.step2-정확한 제품생산과 납기의 준수를 실현한다.step3-육안검사 및 규격과 물성에 대한 철저한 검사 체제를 확립하여 출고 후 발생할 클레임을 사전에 예방한다. step4-불량률(100ppm)을 최소화하고 최적의 생산 공정을 개발 및 유지하여 생산성을 향상시킴으로써 원가절감을 실현한다.



audit certification status

no category year certified by(company name) frequency remark
1 production license 2004 fda 4year 2audit every 2 year
2 cfda 2004 fda 4year audit every 2 year
3 iso 9001 2008 intertek 1year to be changed in 2016
4 gmpc 2008 intertek 1year no extension after iso22716 certification (2013)
5 iso22716 2013 intertek 1year integrated with gmpc
6 ecocert 2012 ecocert 1year no organic certification due to changes of regulations in china (2013)
7 l'oreal 2008 l'oreal 2year 1) prototype production for l'oreal, maybelline,
2) gel eyeliner, air-cushion, hair mousse, facial mask
3) quality, she, social audit
4) zero defect management
8 p&g 2014 p&g 2year 1) max factor brand lipstick and lip gloss
2) strengthening manufacturing hygiene: microorganisms, cleaning & sanitation
3) validation (manufacturing process, cleaning, test method)
9 unilever 2012 unilever 2year 1) mask sheet (hydrogel and non-woven fabric) produced
2) purified water system improvement, social audit

quality strategy map

goal: to create a masterpiece



quality management process flow


planned quality


production quality


